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O11y Weekly - 2024-01-15

This week's top articles span from OpenTelemetry's latest advancements and a new webhook standard to CI/CD monitoring best practices, RabbitMQ metric insights, and automatic metric collection for streamlined observability.

  • Why the Latest Advances in OpenTelemetry Are Significant

    The article discusses the benefits of OpenTelemetry for observability, such as storing and viewing data in one system and training ML models in another. It also details new features like the transformation language, logging GA, and auto instrumentation.

  • New Open Source Standard Brings Consistency to Webhooks

    A new open source standard for webhooks has been created to address the inconsistency and headaches caused by a lack of standardization. This aims to make it easier for developers to reuse code and set up endpoints, streamlining the process of working with webhooks.

  • Best practices for CI/CD monitoring

    This Datadog blog post dives into best practices for CI/CD monitoring, emphasizing the importance of proactive detection, narrowed scope, and comprehensive monitoring across the entire CI/CD stack. It also highlights the use of dashboards and trend analysis for efficient troubleshooting and performance tracking.

  • 101 Guide to RabbitMQ Metrics Monitoring

    This Signoz blog post emphasizes the importance of monitoring RabbitMQ metrics to ensure smooth and efficient cluster operation.

  • How Unitary achieved automatic metric collection with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector

    This AWS blog post highlights how Unitary, a platform analyzing online content, streamlined its observability by adopting Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus collector. Its agentless metric collection simplified monitoring while automatically scaling to handle their massive video processing needs.

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