O11y Weekly - 2024-06-23

This weekly digest of Observability & Monitoring news covers various topics including fraud detection with Zipf's Law, data standardization in cybersecurity (OCSF), best practices for digital experience monitoring, analyzing Kubernetes audit logs, and using OpenTelemetry for faster root cause analysis.

🕵️ Zipf’s Law and Fraud Detection

Discover how Zipf’s Law, a principle from the field of linguistics, is being leveraged to detect fraud. This intriguing blog post from Splunk delves into the application of this statistical concept to identify anomalies in data patterns, potentially revolutionizing the way we approach cybersecurity. Read on to explore the intersection of language theory and fraud detection.

🔒 The OCSF: Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework

Splunk’s blog details the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF), a collaborative effort to standardize data across cybersecurity platforms. Developed in partnership with AWS and other industry leaders, OCSF aims to streamline threat detection and response by ensuring compatibility between diverse security tools. This initiative promises to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations, reducing complexity and enabling organizations to better protect their digital assets.

📶 10 digital experience monitoring best practices

Learn to identify key user journeys, set performance benchmarks, and leverage real-time monitoring and synthetic testing to optimize user interactions. These strategies aim to improve user satisfaction, drive business value, and ensure seamless digital experiences.

🛡️ Monitoring Kubernetes Audit Logs

Observe Inc.’s blog offers practical insights into using Kubernetes audit logs for detecting unauthorized access, tracing malicious activities, and optimizing resource usage. Learn the steps to enable and analyze Kubernetes audit logs to improve your cloud-native infrastructure’s efficiency and compliance readiness.

🧭 How to use OpenTelemetry resource attributes and Grafana Cloud Application Observability to accelerate root cause analysis

Discover how to leverage OpenTelemetry resource attributes with Grafana Cloud Application Observability for faster root cause analysis. This guide dives into setting up and using these tools to enhance your observability stack, providing step-by-step instructions and real-world examples.

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